Below is the preliminary Agenda for our first General meeting on Sunday March 24th at 12:30PM. Location will be the golf course dining/meeting area. Anything you would like addressed, please inform me prior to the meeting.
Lake Chelan Men’s Golf Club
Aka: Men’s Association
Meeting Agenda
March 24, 2019
12:30 PM
Type of Meeting: Monthly General Membership
Meeting Facilitator: Matt Froman - President
Invitees: All Men’s Club Members
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Approval of Minutes from Last (October 2018) Meeting
a) Minutes from meeting:
1. Board to Email monthly information to members. (open)
2. $80 once a month added by Men’s club for Par 3 contest. (approved, closed)
3. Have monthly member meeting in season to include lunch, paid by Mens club. (approved, closed)
4. Once a month “Mark’s Choice” Sunday Men’s Club Event. (approved, closed)
5. Board Officer Election:
Matt Froman – President
John Hancock – Vice President
Stefan Dobratz – Secretary / Treasurer
IV. Open issues
a) Board to Email monthly information to members.
V. New business
a) Website development ( ) – (Matt)
b) Ideas for speeding up play. (from member Email)
c) Handicap Chairman – (Stefan)
d) Tournament Committee – (Matt)
e) Scholarship Committee – (Matt)
f) Publicity Committee – (Matt)
g) Greens Committee – (Matt)
h) Social Committee – (Matt)
VI. Treasurer Report
VII. Adjournment