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Senior Men's Club Meeting Minutes Fall 2018

Robert Matson

Senior Men’s Golf

Meeting Minutes – September 26th, 2018

The meeting was called to order by Club President Darrell Richards at 1:15 PM.

The Meeting Minutes from May 9th, 2018 were read and approved.

General Discussion Items

1. George Nickle made a motion that Club Officers serve two-year term lengths. The motion was seconded. There was discussion about the two-year term length motion and George Nickle decided to revise the motion to have Club Officers serve one-year term lengths. Don Mollet pointed out there was not any information in the Club By-Laws regarding Club Officer term lengths. George did not make a formal motion to amend his original motion. The Members in attendance informally agreed to take no action on Club Officer term lengths. George withdrew his original motion.

2. A motion was made from the floor and seconded to elect the following Club Officers for the 2019 Season.

· Bob Matson – President

· Darrell Richards – Vice President

· George Nickle – Secretary/Treasurer

The 2019 Club Officers were elected by a majority vote of the Members in attendance.

3. Jim Storms was appointed by President Richards to manage the 2019 Monthly and Mega KP Competitions. Cliff House was thanked by Bob Matson for previously agreeing to manage the 2019 KP Competitions.

4. Ellis Nierenburg announced the 2018 Mega KP Winners were Curtis Martin with a distance of 3’-6” and Gary Searle was second with a distance of 4’-6”. Curtis was awarded $190.00 and Gary was awarded $140.00 for their winning shots.

Ellis also announced the 2018 September Monthly KP Winners were Darrell Richards and Cliff House. Darrell was awarded $59.00 and Cliff was awarded $39.00 for their winning shots.

5. At the request of President Richards, Don Mollet discussed making the following Addendum to the Club By-Laws regarding Club Field Day Events.

V. Section V


1. Eligibility for Field Day Participation.

a. Players must be a member of the Seniors Division.

2. Play will be governed by the Seniors By-Laws Rule of Play, except for the following:

a. The Field Day Captain will determine changes due to the ground rules of the course being played.

b. Winnings may be paid at the discretion of the Captain rather than by the standards established during regular home course play.

3. Announcement of the date for the upcoming Field Day must be at least two weeks prior to the event. Payment, as established by the Chairman, must be made one week prior to the event. This payment is non-refundable.

Don made a motion the Club Field Day Event Addendum be approved. The motion was seconded. The Addendum was approved by a majority vote of the Members in attendance.

6. George Nickle made a motion to change the Club Rules regarding Members playing from the red tees. The motion was seconded from the floor.

George stated the Current Club Rules read that Members at least 70 years of age with a Handicap of 30 or more may play from the red tees. The Member’s Handicap is determined assuming the Member is playing from the white tees.

George’s motion was to change the Club Rules to read that Members at least 70 years of age with a Handicap of 30 or more may play from the red tees. The Member’s Handicap would be determined assuming the Member is playing from the red tees.

The Members in attendance along with Jim Oscarson discussed the proposed motion in detail. Jim confirmed the gold tees would be rated for handicap purposes by the start of the Club’s 2019 Season in April 2019. Based on this information, George decided to withdraw his motion and informed the group he would make a follow-up motion in 2019 once the new gold tee rating information was in place.

7. President Richards thanked Don Mollet for his assistance and guidance regarding the Club By-Laws Addendum he developed and proposed.

President Richards adjourned the meeting at 2:00 PM.

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Lake Chelan Golf Course
1501 Golf Course Dr
Chelan, Wa  98816

©2019 by Chelan Golf Club.

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